Dear User, the safeguarding of the confidentiality of personal data of our interlocutors is our primary commitment.

We wish to thank you for visiting our website. Below you will find all information useful to understand the purposes and methods of processing your personal data as a visitor, in addition to any other information required by articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR).

The policy only concerns the data provided by all those who interact with the web services/portals/sections/pages owned by CAE S.p.A. accessible electronically from the address: and not also other websites/portals/sections/pages/spaces connected by links, third-party ownership for which reference is made to the respective policies.

1. Data Processing Controller

The Data Controller is CAE S.p.A., with registered office in (40068) San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) ITALY - Via Colunga 20 - Telephone +39 051 4992711, email: (hereinafter, Company).

2. Type of data processed and retention

a) Browsing data

The IT systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, in normal operation and only for the duration of the connection, some data that is then implicitly sent in the use of Internet communication protocols.

Said information is not collected to be associated with users, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow identifying them. This data is deleted a few hours after processing.

b) Cookies

This website uses cookies or markers, which are technically information packages sent by a web server (in this case, from this website) to users' browsers and from the latter stored on their device (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) and automatically returned to the server at each subsequent

website access.

To know the types and purposes of the cookies used by the Company's website and express your preferences regarding the use of cookies, you can consult the appropriate Cookie Policy.

c) Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors

If by connecting to this website you decide, where provided, to send your personal data (for example: name, surname, e-mail address) to access certain services, or, to make requests via e-mail, the Company will process this data to reply to your request, or to provide you with the service you requested in accordance with this policy and with the specific privacy policies provided in the phase of adhering to the individual services. The data will be kept for the time necessary to provide the requested service and to manage any disputes.

Your personal data will be communicated to third parties only if the communication is necessary to comply with the requests of the users themselves, as specified in the specific policies of the individual services, or to simplify – at your request – the registration operations to websites/applications of third parties.

You will not be asked for data on health and, in general, particular categories of personal data referred to in article 9 of the GDPR (sensitive, biometric, genetic and criminal). 

3. Processing method

Your data is processed with the support of IT and electronic means and is protected by appropriate security measures to guarantee confidentiality and integrity.

4. Processing purposes and legal basis

The Company processes your anonymous browsing data as per point 2.a in order to monitor the technical functioning and performance of the site, to understand how to improve services and develop them. Said data is necessary to guarantee the provision of the website.

The data referred to in point 2.b is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning (it is therefore necessary to guarantee the provision of the website), as better explained in our Cookie Policy.

When the services offered by the website are free, the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller as expressly provided for by the GDPR (see point 2.b above).

With regard to the data referred to in point 2.c, we invite you to study the specific policies of the individual services.

5. Communication, dissemination and transfer of data

The anonymous data referred to in points 2.a and 2.b could be communicated to partners and suppliers that support the Company in the provision of this website. If the Company should disclose your personal data to third parties (for example regarding the services for which you are registered), they will act as autonomous Data Controllers.

6. Rights of the party concerned

At any time you can access the information concerning you and request its updating, correction and integration, as well as cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking. It will also be possible to oppose all or part of the processing.

To exercise these and other rights as per articles 15-22 of the GDPR, please write to CAE S.p.A., Via Colunga, 20 -40068- San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) ITALY, or send an e-mail to

Furthermore, you have the right to contact the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 – 00186 Roma (RM)) to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, which can be contacted at the address or through the website

7. Modifications and updates

This policy may undergo changes over time – also related to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations – for which we invite you to periodically consult this page.